1 L water with 1 TBs salt or 1/2 teaspoon salt to 250ml water. Boil water for 10 minutes cool and add salt. Store in covered bottles in the fridge OR 1teaspoon white vinegar to water or make your own dakin solution
Containers to use to make saline washes, including a plastic bag where you pour salt water in and use like a piping bag with the bottom corner snipped off to let water slowly run over cut. One can also buy plastic sauce style bottles and store salt water in the fridge for 2 days.
If you have no cleaning supplies Try: Cotton tips makeup pads cotton wool paper towel chux cloth flannel
Use a shower hose if possible or running water. Check temperature. Luke warm to cold only, or your will burn your wound especially if have diabetic neuropathic feet
Pick up gauze at the four corners and hold like an upside down parachute and wash wound in shower or under running water or salt water. Remember to wash with gentle pressure from inside out and pat dry before applying a dressing, otherwise tape wont stick. NO HAIRDRYERS PLEASE
Use a dish of cream and rub you heels in it, to moisturise heels and then rub off excess onto other parts of the foot
Apply cream to one foot and use your other foot and rub under and sideways
Use a paintbrush, spatula, pastry brush, spoon to rub cream into the feet
Use Spray on oils.These are difficult to find . Neat feet and aveeno have oil sprays. Make your own .
Buy Aveeno spray
Buy Neat Feet spray
Repurposing personal care pads
Incontinence pads, baby nappies, sanitary pads without wings, panty liners ,breast pads are all absorptive and designed to wick fluid into the pad. If you cannot afford pads, at least try to have a sterile atrauman or melolin interface.
Breast pads are good around curves, below knee amputation stumps. Some will put them under forefoot or heel in shoes to catch extra leaking fluid or as a soft padding. Nursicare Tampons are used to plug bullets wounds
Buy disposable breast pads
Buy Tena extra pads