What band aids can you use to treat blisters?

There are a few ways to cover blisters, depending if they are intact or broken. Below is an overview of different type of plasters to cover a blister.

The bandages depend on:-

  • what part of the body has the blister or not
  • Why you have the blister
  • Has the blister popped or the whole skin is off

Should you pop a blister?

Try to not pop your blisters. The skin over the blister keep the inside sealed and sterile, like a natural bandaid.

Gel or hydrollocoid can be used if the blister is open, that is no top or torn top.

Tape and silicone toe or finger sleeves is mostly for preventing blisters when you are walking or playing a sport.

Prepackaged hydrocolloid Dressings

comfeel and comfeel plus
What band aids can you use to treat blisters? 6
Comped blister plasters
What band aids can you use to treat blisters? 7

Hydrocolloids are breathable. Absorbs low to moderate fluid and gets rid of yellow tissue. Still may need to tape edges to stop the edges from catching on clothes. Do not use hydrocolloids for infected wounds .

These are sold for use on open blisters. Not for intact blisters. These are used in medical centres hospitals or for home. There are other companies like compeed, that make small bandaids with the same technology and there are special very thin hydrocolloids for face pimples.

Click here to buy if you live in USA

Click here a larger range of compeed style blister pads in UK

Silicone gel pads 

silipos toe and finger pads
What band aids can you use to treat blisters? 8

Silicone gel pads are used to prevent blisters in shoes and running. Apply between toes, over toes. Silicone can be washed and dried gently. Will last about 2 months if used daily.

These sleeves are designed for fingers as well.

How long do silicone toe pads last?

This depends on the pressure and friction it is working against. If it squashes fast, it means it is really taking the brunt of pressure instead of your skin.

Ensure the big toe has a tube wide pad and watch for whitening or darkening of toe tip. Discard in this case as too tight. To test if the blood flow is restricted, press the tip of the toe for 5 seconds and if the colour comes back to normal in less than 3 seconds, it should be okay.

If you are older and using these pads, check the toe during the day for colour changes and of course pain.

The squashed cotton reel called a toe spreader is for between the big toe and is safer. The pads made for the big toe is safer for smaller size hallux/big toes.

Mefix/ leukoplast tape

tapes to cover dressings
What band aids can you use to treat blisters? 9

Mefix/ leukoplast/hypafix/fixomull tape or similar can be used for pre taping under foot before a run or around an area for example the hand that needs protecting.

Melolin style dressings

A non stick dressing such as melolin, primapore can also be used. These are easy to apply and the cheapest.

Foam dressings are better still as do not stick, absorb fluid last up to 3-7 days.

taping dressing to wound
What band aids can you use to treat blisters? 10

Click here for more ideas on taping.

Pre Taping  preventative blister taping before a run

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