Wound care bandages  and tapes for your first aid kit. USA sourced

This USA page has  links to companies that provide wound care items that hospitals use such as silver dressings,  not just basic dressings. These companies also ship globally.


Hydrocolloids can be used for open blisters.

Please use what you are used to, or have had similar products prescribed to you in the past.

Remember wounds go through different stages requiring change in type of dressing required.

For example a what was a  heavily seeping wound , now only need a simple dressing if nearly healed.

A wound that has become infected may need a silver or, iodosorb paste, neosporin dressing.  It may require a antibiotic tablet.

A non infected wound just a good wound cleanse is required.

Buying more saves postage.

If you were to do a bulk buy I suggest

  1. Dressing packs,

  2. Paper tape,

  3. crepe bandage

  4. Melolin and or primapore, opsite post op, if you dont want to cut your own tape

  5. Moderate to high absorbant dressings such as Tielle Plus, optisorb, allevyn if a lot of fluid.

  6. Betadine or iodosorb paste antiseptics

  7.  Blister plaster protection
Why Health Alliance Network

Gauze, saline, packs

using a dressing pack
Types of povidone iodine
foam dressings

Moderate Absorbing Dressing

dressing with self adhesive

Thin Dressings

Opsite Post Op transparent dressings various sizes


atrauman interface dressings

Interface for wound



zetuvit plus

Thick Absorptive Dressings

Exu-Dry anti shear dressing. High absorbant, non stick.

Optilock Non adhesive dressings


wound spray and gels

Autolytic debridement solutions & other wound washes

rolled bandages


USA based and global supplier

Dynarex Conforming Stretch Gauze Bandages 4 Inch


hygrogel dressing


Band aid are the easiest to apply but dont offer much absorption beyond a day if the cut or wound is leaking.

However not all band aids are created equal and some offer more protection and designed for blister care.

Applying a disposable glove over finger and toe wounds in the shower help keep dressing dry.
First Aid Wound Care
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