Transparent Film Dressing

how to peel off a transparent film dressing

Cover wounds with a transparent film or waterproof dressing that can also be used as a waterproof dressing, however the difference is that these transparent film dressings still allow the wound to breath.
Polyurethane Transparent film may be an answer .
Semi-permeable ( permeable to small molecules but not larger particles). This means that these dressings can let oxygen and water vapour come in and out from the dressings out but stop water going in through the dressing.

2 minutes

Pull off first layer of the transparent film dressing and smooth it down

peeling off a film dressing

Wash your wound. Dry surrounding area. Use a cavilon/zoff barrier wipe if worried about moisture or rashes to the skin surrounding the wound. Then apply the whole transparent film dressing, smoothing it down at the edges.
This dressing used as a demonstration is a called opsite flexigrid.

Pull off the second side of the transparent film dressing tabs

peeling off transparent wound dressing stage 1

Rub the edge of the transparent film where the number 2 backing is on. Other similar products may have a similar 2 part backing removal concept. Peel back the backing. This may be fiddly and may have to pick heedge off the backing.
These dressings are like using double sided tape.

Pull off the top plastic to reveal the flexible transparent dressing beneath

holding film dressing while peeling outer plastic film

Some transparent film dressings have a top layer to peel off, even after you have pulled the tab off.
Initially hold down the dressing and pull off the final backing. I have seen people leave this on. DONT!
Opsite Flexigrid has a grid where you can draw the shape of the wound and measure. Next time lay the grid on top of the wound and see how its reduced or increased.

How a transparent film dressing looks like when its applied

transparent dressing for wounds

This foot is dressed with a transparent film dressing only and must be smoothed down around the edges. Remove the transparent film dressing by stretching edges as in a comfeel dressing, or pick around all the edges and lift it.
See image at the top where a dressing can be used underneath.
Some transparent films have pre made dressing already attached such as opsite post.


  • Brands include opsite flexigrid/ flexifix/ postop/ visible/IV300
  • Hyrofilm, tegaderm, Kednall transparent,mepore, mepitel film, leukomed T, as gaurd, hydrofilm, Askina Derm, Suprasorb,Bioclusive, dermaview, transeal,MVP transparent, Elastaplast waterproof, mend-aid waterproof island dressing, Dukal transparent semi-permeable dressing, McKesson transparent film, etc
  • Rolls include Medstock Film, hydrofilm, Viewguard transparent FIlm dressing roll, H&H transparent film dressing sheet


  • Dressing scissors
  • Clean hands.

Materials: Polyurethane membrane or film

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